It is extremely difficult to think about a thing that much less price with good quality in the past. But not any longer, with our most recent Pink Hangers for Doll Clothes (Set of 3) by Badger Basket which is the total technologies items from us and it'll make you wonder that why you could not locate it anyplace just before. The future of your good living choice is within your hand now. So you may be definitely glad as soon as you've got own it. And It is friendly to you and every person within your house.
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Adorable hangers for use with our Doll Armoire (Model #01201) or any appropriately sized doll furniture. Each hanger measures approximately 5.25 inches W x 4 inches H x 3/16 inches thick. Realistic look adds to the fun. Can hang on any rack/rod up to 3/8 inches thick. Set of three. Open area in center is great for hanging belts, scarves, or pants. Open area measures 4 inches W x 3/4 inches H at the highest point and 3/8 inches thick at the center. Doll clothes not included. Made of durable, painted MDF. Paints and finishes are non-toxic. NOTE: Style/size/color of the hangers may vary slightly due to different suppliers being used but all are designed to work with our Model 01201. Dimensions:
- Adorable hangers for use with our Doll Armoire (Model #01201) or any appropriately sized doll furniture.
- Each hanger measures approximately 5.25 inches W x 4 inches H x 3/16 inches thick.
- Realistic look adds to the fun.
- Can hang on any rack/rod up to 3/8 inches thick.