Have Not Sold a Badger Basket Mirrored Doll Armoire With 3 Baskets And 3 Hangers - Pink/White Comparable To This Before
Although you may perhaps already own a Badger Basket Mirrored Doll Armoire With 3 Baskets And 3 Hangers - Pink/White we would be willing to bet that our most recently released product is like nothing you've ever come across before. After you acquire one of these, you are looking for something that will make your lifestyle easier and whenever that doesn't happen, you are likely to be frustrated. Manufacturer went to outstanding measures to ensure that you're going to be excited with this newest unit.
Since you may already own and also be utilizing an earlier version, you know just what you desired your Badger Basket Mirrored Doll Armoire With 3 Baskets And 3 Hangers - Pink/White to do, the catch is that a great number of these items were manufactured as well as put on the market with far too much attention to packing them up with useless functions. Manufacturer thinks that the only way you are likely to exchange the one you've got is if we build a product which is a lot superior, and well worth spending the money to buy.
Our Badger Basket Mirrored Doll Armoire With 3 Baskets And 3 Hangers - Pink/White is the culmination of many years of investigation; our designers have taken a close look at every single item available and also what everyone has asserted that they like about them, investigated our own versions then gone straight to the drawing board. What we came up with is a system we are very proud of and are certain is full of all the options you desired in one of them so you may find it well truly worth your time and money.
Customer Rating : View Customer RatingsList Price : $89.99
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Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours
Features:Our new, extra-large Armoire is the place to store your most treasured doll accessories!Open one door to reveal three, handy baskets.Behind the other door you?ll find a rod with three hangers ready for prized garments and gowns.Child-safe mirror on the front lets your doll check her appearance before heading out to play!Top shelf offers an additional place to perch small items like Dolly?s comb, brush, purses, and shoes.White finish inside and out.Magnetic clasps hold the doors closed.Scalloped detail on the top trim panel.Door knobs are easy to grasp to open and close the doors.Sturdy base adds stability. Three, pink and white gingham baskets included. Baskets are removable and independent from the shelves,armoire. The baskets fold flat for storage ? simply remove the bottom panel and collapse the sides. Helpful handle slots on front and back of the baskets make them easy to pull out and put back into the cubbies. Three, pink, engineered wood hangers included. Armoire, including the clothes rod, is made with wood, engineered wood, and hardboard. Wipe clean with a damp cloth and mild soap as needed. Baskets are made with 90% polyester,10% cotton fabric exterior and industrial cardboard interior panels. Spot clean the baskets as needed. Never immerse the baskets in water. Additional hangers sold separately. Can be enjoyed by children from three years old and up. Adult assembly required with a screwdriver. Illustrated instructions included. All paints and finishes are non-toxic. Doll not included. Meets all current, applicable ASTM, Lead, and CARB ATCM safety standards. This item is to be used with dolls only and is never to be used with real infants or pets. Actual product may vary slightly from shown due to continuous product improvement. All measurements approximate. Product includes a warranty of 30 Days Parts to the original purchaser. This item ships in its original carton which may include a photo of the product. WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD - Small parts.
- Includes storage baskets inside and three hangers
- Plenty of room for baby or fashion doll clothes and accessories
- One mirror door, one plexiglass door (both made using child safe materials)
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