Currently Offer the Latest Kids Storage Cabinet with Baskets (Beech / Blue) (48"H x 33.75"W x 16"D)
While you may possibly already own a Kids Storage Cabinet with Baskets (Beech / Blue) (48"H x 33.75"W x 16"D) we are be ready to gamble that our most recent product is like nothing you've ever come across before. After you buy one of these, you are searching for something that is going to make your lifestyle a little easier and when that doesn't occur, you will be certain to be unhappy. Manufacturer has gone to amazing measures to make sure that you will be pleased with our Latest model.
Even though manufacturer most likely are not the original producer of the Kids Storage Cabinet with Baskets (Beech / Blue) (48"H x 33.75"W x 16"D) what we have done is utilized a great idea and made it into a great product which will deliver many years of fantastic services. Our first style enticed lots of purchasers because it was developed with the highest requirements of top quality. We have carried on this tradition to give you our very most up-to-date edition of our tried as well as trustworthy product.
Another thing we're also certain of is you will find that at this value, you're not gonna find a better Kids Storage Cabinet with Baskets (Beech / Blue) (48"H x 33.75"W x 16"D) anywhere. To make certain that you are actually getting legitimate value for your cash manufacturer has included numerous very nice features that are likely to help to make this among the items you have been able to find in many years. We are certain that you are going to feel as though you are receiving true value for your cash when you notice all of the added touches We have incorporated into our most modern design for making your life much better.
Customer Rating : View Customer RatingsList Price : $199.99
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Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days
This Kids Storage Cabinet with Baskets by 4D Concepts is perfect for clothing and toy storage, and is the perfect height for toddlers. The top of the chiffarobe is shaped and the corners are eased so there are no sharp edges. The colorful ready-to-unfold canvas drawers are accented with handles attached on both sides. Behind the cabinet door, is two shelves for additional storage. Constructed of composite board and highly durable PVC laminate. Clean with a dry non abrasive cloth. Beechwood finish with blue toned baskets Assembly level/degree of difficulty: Moderate.
- Color: Beech / Blue
- Size: 48"H x 33.75"W x 16"D
- Includes 4 canvas baskets
- Cabinet with 2 shelves
- Perfect height for toddlers
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