No matter how difficult you make an effort to make your self think that what you currently have is excellent enough for your need, there are still several much more merchandise come along inside the industry. So there will be several concerns creating up in your mind, are they excellent enough? That is the very best? Is it hard to use? Can I afford? Based on that reality, we proudly present you our Nexera Alegria 2-Drawer Wardrobe Armoire in Natural Maple That is the smartest and perfect 1st option that everyone must pick. And you may never regret it soon after. Because we are really concentrate on your demand and high quality of our item. Not merely that, we also hardly spend attention on the functional and look too. Our Nexera Alegria 2-Drawer Wardrobe Armoire in Natural Maple could be the most cautious technologies. And also combine the most intelligent system that is certainly really easy to function. However, the most durability is included.
From this moment on you may not been bothered with the hard function any longer. We had been creating and generating this impressive item for you and your house. Do not devote any much more time to vacillate to obtain our item into your house. There is no doubt that our Nexera Alegria 2-Drawer Wardrobe Armoire in Natural Maple will boost your living life style to create your house closer to the fantasy residence exactly where you had been dreaming to live in for ages. Your dream living lifestyle just isn't out of reach anymore.
Ensure that you will be adding our Nexera to become the first option of your residence improvement list. we are sure that purchasing our item is your perfect option for you and your love residence.
Customer Rating : View Customer RatingsList Price : $349.95
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The overhang top, gently arched apron and a large cabinet area with two drawers make this Alegria Wardrobe Armoire not only stylish but practical as well. It has plenty of storage space with a combination of drawers and shelves. A very useful accent piece to have as part of your bedroom suite, it will add a fresh contemporary look to your decor. Features: Wardrobe Armoire has engineered wood construction Natural maple laminate finish Two adjustable shelves Two sturdy drawers Two doors (up to 95? opening) Solid wood drawer knobs Quality metal Drawer glides Ready-to-assemble using the European Cam Lock quick assembly system Lifetime warranty on all hardware 5 year limited warranty on product Made in Canada Nexera is an environmentally friendly company and whenever possible uses recycled materials Specifications: Overall Dimensions: 52.63" H x 31.88" W x 17" D Shipping Carton Dimensions: 67" H x 18" W x 5.69" D Weight: 95 lbs
- Color: Natural Maple
- Size (L x P x H) : 31.88" x 17.00" x 52.62"
- Engineered wood
- Required
- New
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